Megan ArmstrongAssociate Professor of History (Franciscans; Sacred Space and Coexistance; Global Pilgrimages; Italy, Jerusalem/Holy Land), McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada |
Peter BurschelDirector of the Herzog August Bibliothek; Professor, Early Modern European History (Historical Anthropology; Autobiography; Germany), Georg August University of Göttingen, Germany |
Irene DingelDirector, Department Abendländische Religionsgeschichte ((Reformation Theology; Confessionalization; Religious Peace), Leibniz Institute for European History, Mainz, Germany |
Renate DürrProfessor of Modern History (Global Early Modern History; Jesuits; Knowledge Transfer; History of Emotions), Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany |
Alexander FisherProfessor, Early Music & Musicology (Renaissance and Baroque Studies; Soundscapes; Germany), School of Music, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
Jérémie FoaLecturer in Early Modern History (Confessional Coexistence; France), Aix-Marseille University, France |
Marc ForsterHenry B. Plant Professor of History (Catholicism; Popular Culture; Popular Religion; Germany), Connecticut College, New London, CT, U.S.A. |
Dagmar FreistProfessor of Early Modern History (Religious Coexistence and Diversity; Microhistory; Diaspora; Germany; Netherlands; Global), University of Oldenburg, Germany |
Markus FriedrichProfessor for Early Modern History (Religious and Cultural History; Early Modern Archival History; Interconfessionality; Germany), University of Hamburg, Germany |
Daniela HackeProfessor of Early Modern History (Entangled History; Sensory History; Religious and Confessional History; Mediterranean, Switzerland), Friedrich-Meinicke University, Free University of Berlin |
Randolph HeadProfessor of Early Modern History (Religious Difference and Plurality; History of Archives; Switzerland), University of California at Riverside, U.S.A. |
Bridget HealProfessor of History (Protestant and Catholic Reformation; Visual and Material Culture; Germany), School of History, University of St. Andrews, UK |
Sabine HiebschKooiman-Boendermaker Chair for Luther and the History of (Dutch) Lutheranism (Theology; Religious Minorities; Netherlands), Theological University Kampen, Kampen, Netherlands |
Andreas HolzemProfessor of Early Modern and Modern Church History (Theology; Religion, and War; Germany), Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany |
Benjamin KaplanProfessor of Dutch History (Toleration; Religious Toleration and Conflict; Netherlands) History Department, University College of London, UK. |
Christine KooiLewis, Katheryn and Benjamin Price Professor of European History (Toleration; Multiconfessional Coexistence; Low Countries), Department of History, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, U.S.A. |
Beat KüminProfessor of Early Modern History (Parish Communities; Social Exchange; United Kingdom; German-Speaking Europe), University of Warwick, U.K. |
Ute Lotz-HeumannDirector of the Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies, Heiko A. Oberman Chair, and Professor of History (Confessional Relations; Healing Waters; Early Modern England and Ireland) University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona |
Howard LouthanDirector of the Center for Austrian History and Professor of History (Toleration; Religious Cultures and Plurality; Eastern Europe), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A. |
Matthias PohligProfessor of Early Modern History (Confessionalization and Religious Decision-Making; Espionage and Diplomacy; Historical Writing; Germany; England), Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany |
Maciej PtaszyńskiAssistant Professor of Early Modern History (Irenicism; Toleration; Poland), Institute of History, University of Warsaw, Poland |
Lyndal RoperRegius Professor of History (Gender History; Religious History; Visual Culture; Germany), Oriel College, University of Oxford, U.K. |
Helmut Walser SmithMartha Rivers Ingram Chair of History (Nation-building; Religious History; Mapping; Modern Germany); Professor of German Studies, Director of Digital Humanities, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, U.S.A. |
Johannes Anselm SteigerDirector of the Institute for Church History and Professor for the History of Church and Dogma from the Reformation to the Modern Era (Theology and Devotional Piety; Early Modern Interconfessinality; Early Modern Religious Intermediality; Germany), University of Hamburg, Germany |
Nicholas TerpstraProfessor of History (Refugees; Spatial and Sensual History; Digital Mapping; Italy; Global), Victoria College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada |
Alexandra WalshamProfessor of Modern History (Religious Tolerance and Intolerance; Generational Change; Oral, Visual, and Written Culture; Early Modern Britain), Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge University, U.K. |
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